Thursday, February 02, 2006

Thursday Thoughts

This week I have realized why I am still in my current work place. It is no secret I am frustrated with my situation. However, the past several days have been spent encouraging people. Our work place seems to be all about killing the spirit of a person, as if that will increase positive productivity. The truth of the matter is a person's spirit needs to be encouraged in order to have the strength and will to face a difficult job. I guess that's what God wants me to do right now. And I'm willing.

In other news...I was listening to WRAL while getting ready for work and heard something I consider to be completely ludicrous. Apparently, Wake county is concerned about the increase in gang activity and wants to discourage and/or put a stop to it. Their solution? Curfews for teens, refusal to sell markers and spray paint to teenagers, and new ordinances that ban graffiti. That's right, folks. If we can't create or keep graffiti and we keep those terrible teens off the streets, the gangs will go away! ...And then they woke up!

Ground Hog Day is the favorite holiday of someone I know. Maybe it doesn't get the respect it deserves (?), but let's be real: the poor rodents who are dragged out of their dens every February second really just want to keep sleeping. That's all. Besides, if a person doesn't believe in the wooly worm predictions, why should they hold any stock in a ground hog being held up by a man in a silly hat?

Besides, meteorological predictions state this month will have below normal temperatures. All month long. It only makes sense after an entire January that sported above normal temps. So...are you thinking what I'm thinking???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Supposedly, we have six more weeks of winter...and the weather is currently agreeing. Snow on the way?

11:41 AM  

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