Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Job - The Introduction Part II

Then there are Job's friends. The moment we find ourselves in trouble of any kind people start showing up telling us exactly what is wrong with us and what we must do to get better. At first we are impressed that they bother with us and amazed at their facility with answers. They know so much! These people use the Word of God frequently and loosely. They are full of spiritual diagnosis and prescriptions. It all sounds so hopeful. But then we begin to wonder, "Why is it that for all their apparent compassion we feel worse instead of better after they've said their piece?"

The book of Job is also our primary biblical protest against religion that has been reduced to explanations or "answers" [Boy, do I like that statement!]. Many of the answers that Job's so-called friends give him are technically true. But is it the "technical" part that ruins them. They are answers without personal relationships, intellect without intimacy. The answers are slapped onto Job's ravaged life like labels on a specimen bottle.

In every generation there are men and women who pretend to be able to instruct us in a way of life that uarantees that we will be "healthy, wealthy, and wise." According to the propaganda of these people, anyone who lives intelligently and morally is exempt from suffering.

On behalf of all of us who have been misled by the platitudes of the nice people who show up to tell us everything is going to be just all right if we simply think such-and-such and do such-and-such, Job issues an anguished rejoinder. He rejects the kind of advice and teaching that has God all figured out, that provides glib explanations for every circumstance [I like that, too!]. Job's honest defiance continues to be the best defense against the cliche's of positive thinkers and the prattle of religious small talk.

The honest, innocent Job is placed in a setting of immense suffering and then surrounded by the conventional religious wisdom of the day in the form of speaches by his friends. The counselors methodically and pedanticaly recite thier bookish precepts to Job. At first Job rages in pain and roars out his protests, but he then becomes silent in awestruck faith before God, who speaks from out of a storm of Deity. Real faith cannot be reduced to spiritual bromides and merchandised in success sotries. It is refined in the fires and storms of pain
[Darn Tootin!].

There is content to biblical religion. It is the secularization of answers that is rejected-answers severed from their Source, the living God, the Word that both batters us and heals us. We cannot have truth about God divorced from the mind and heart of God.

[More to come!]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this was so awesome... I must applaud!! *applauding* Thank You

"answers without personal relationships, intellect without intimacy" mmmmmhhmmmmm

I just read Job last weekend... I kinda felt led to because of what I've witnessed lately... you say it so well

7:30 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

How I wish I could take credit for these words, because they speak my heart so well. Apparently, they speak yours, too. This comes as no surprise to me.

However this entry, like the first part, is an excerpt of the introduction to the book of Job as written in The Message. There is still at least one more entry to post.

I am posting this because it is the best expression of the way I feel about suffering and the way mankind deals with it. My own thoughts on Job are forthcoming, but not until the introduction excerpts are completed.

9:46 PM  

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