Wednesday, January 25, 2006

When I Read This...

I was like Whoa! I know so many people who are in this very place. God definitely has a plan, and you are part of it!
Therefore repent and return,
so that your sins may be wiped away,
in order that times of refreshing may come
from the presence of the Lord;
whom heaven must receive
until the period of restoration
of all things about which God spoke
by the mouth of His holy prophets
from ancient time.
Acts 3:19-22
"Success principles alone will not work in your life if you don't spend time with God, allowing the Holy Spirit to be your Counselor and to give you revelation and understanding of what to do each day. But if you flow in God's plan, you will stop trying to figure out how everything will work together for your good." [emphasis mine]

"Learn to seek God's face and not His hand all the time. Then keep your hands open and be ready to receive from Him. God is good; you can trust what He speaks to your heart to do." [italics mine]
~Joyce Meyer


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