Thursday, December 01, 2005

Leave Her Alone

It would be in everyone's best interest if they would just leave her alone. You know who you are: those of you who admit to not knowing the whole situation but form an opinion and take a side anyway. Those who want to "talk" to find out the other side -and why? Do you think you can fix it or do you just want something else to talk about with other people? The other party won't even talk to her. What makes you think you can help, if that's really what you want to do?

I can't stop people from forming opinions and believing the worst about her rather than the best. But I can protect her and rest assured, I will. And to her credit, the "church" and its people who have shown everything BUT Christlike attitudes toward her as not hindered her walk with God. That says a lot about her character.

The truth of the matter is this: An agreement was made. Trust was given. And without conversation, forgiveness, another chance, or compromise, it has all blown up in her face. I ask you, would Christ treat any of us that way? Would He believe the worst about you? Say that you are not worthy of forgiveness, mercy, or compassion?

Then why do YOU continue to treat her that way? I am so thankful that YOU are not Christ. I am so thankful that it is not YOU who will judge the "rest of the world." If that were the case, we'd all be going to Hell. Including YOU. All of you.

Leave her alone. And shut up. Think about this: just as sure as you flap your gums about her, someone else is flapping their gums about YOU. That would hurt, wouldn't it? Does that make you think? Does it make you wonder who you can trust? Well, YOU've shown her that she can't trust anyone.

I guarantee you if the situation were reversed and Shannon wanted to break the trust, cancel the agreement, and toss a friendship to the dogs, her Dad and I would not condone it. We would not let her leave the situation and pretend it is okay to do such a thing. I was going to ask, but to be perfectly honest (a quality seriously lacking these days), I am beyond asking. Therefore, I am going to demand that you leave her alone. Haven't you done enough damage already?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And if you all think She's Pissed... You dont even want to know how pissied I am...Her Dad. Our family had a little 'joke' about 'unleasing the BullDog'
Let it be known that The bulldog has unleashed himself on this one.
You all better just shut up, leave her alone and go back to your backbiting, gossip spreading, conflict causing, hiding behind 'christian dogma' lives and butt out.
You dont want this family any more pissed.

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love that you and shannon's dad are fighting for shannon. it's a beautiful thing when parents fight for their children. (i should know-my mom has had to defend me more than once..) i respect you both...

and when it comes to shannon?

i honestly can say i know nothing that has gone down, but if y'all ever need an extra set of fists in the fight, i'm here, and i'm more than willing to be in her corner. just say when, then point- and i'll start swinging. i love her, and if she needs me, i'll be there. no questions asked. no judgment passed...

(i dunno if you remember me or not lol...)

9:24 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

Hey Dana!
Of course I remember you! I appreciate your support of Shannon, I honestly do. However, I am uncomfortable with the idea of people who do not know what TRULY happened taking sides in this situation. The best thing you can do is love Shannon (and the other person if you know who it is) and try to stay neutral. It was great hearing from you!

7:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey lady constance,

ok so yeah, you're right... that sounded very ah, "taking sides", didn't it? lol... so yeah, basically what i was trying to get across (i somehow managed to fail miserably...) is that i hate it when people that i love get hurt- it makes me crazy that people don't know how to just drop the biscuit. your whole post was all about people leaving her alone... and i was more or less thinking that if people don't leave her alone... well, then i'd put up my dukes. i'm not sure if any of this will make sense or clear things up. lol...

(some times what makes perfect sense to me makes other people wonder why i ramble and travel in conversational circles...)

love to all,

7:28 PM  

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