Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Aslan Apprisal

I dropped off Aslan at the vet's this morning so he could have his surgery. I feel so foolish. I have fought tears all day long! If it weren't for the fact that Luke has already been 'declawed', I'd leave Aslan's alone. As it stands, the two cats are going to be sharing a house and I don't want Luke to suffer any physical or emotional damage.

My sweet Babes came through the surgery fine. I visited him about 30 minutes ago and boy, was he still pretty drugged up! His pupils were seriously dialated and his eyes glassy. His head was bobbing around all over the place. I know he couldn't focus on anything. Still, he had managed to pull off one of the protective socks the vet had wrapped around his paws. (They're purple!)

The office is closed tomorrow so I won't see Aslan again until I pick him up Thursday, "We prefer afternoon." It's going to seem pretty lonely here tonight. His toys are picked up and put away. I'm going to have to make a special trip to the store in order to purchase the right kind of litter to use for the next week or so.

There are a few consolations: I know Luke will be better off with Aslan's claws disabled, and I won't have to worry about telling Aslan "no" when he decides to dig into the furniture (which is rare). With laser surgery the pain and bleeding is so much less. I can't really call this procedure humane, but it's just about as close as a person can get when they are mutilating their kitty. =/

Whether you are interested or not, I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aslan is a part of your family, so of course you're concerned over him! Glad everything went ok. Now you can have a sweet kitty that won't try to hurt your other sweet kitty (or your furniture).

6:41 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Obviously you have never met Luke. He is not a sweet kitty. I say this mainly because he likes to hiss at me.

8:26 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

Alas, 'tis true. However, while Luke hisses at you, he makes sport out of chewing on me. Aslan would never do such a thing! He is cautious but courteous around new people ~ a truly sweet kitty.

9:53 PM  

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