Sunday, March 05, 2006

Grasping at Straws

In trying to make sense of all my quest for peace & understanding, I have been turning to the words of others. Hence, my two previous posts. And this one.

The words of David Baroni:
You say you're feeing desperate these days
Life is pulling at you a hundred different ways
And you're tired of easy answers and all the cliches.
Well I know how you feel.

I've been most of the places you've been
I've asked those same questions again and again.
If you count me as a brother, count me as a friend.
I know this one thing is real


A Love so deep
A Love so wide
A Love so strong it can't be denied
It takes a lifetime to reach the other side
Of a Love so deep
A Love so wide.

Some say that Love is a crutch
I guess most of them haven't had to lean on it much
But I've felt the hunger
I've felt the Touch
I believe in the Power of

A Love so deep
A Love so wide
A Love so strong it can't be denied
It takes a lifetime to reach the other side
Of a Love so deep
A Love so wide.

If you don't know where to start
Love meets you right where you are
Then you can touch the face of God and God is love.
...Of course, knowing that God loves me and feeling like He does can be two different things. Thus, the words of a friend:
Your faith is no less valid today than it was two days ago. The fact that you're going through this horrible ordeal does not negate everything you know about God. Everything Scripture tells us about Him...everything you know about Him for still true.

God is still faithful. Still able to create beauty from ashes. Still big enough to take the questions we don't have answers to.

It's utterly incomprehensible to me why God saw fit to allow this to occur rather than preventing it. Yet Scripture is clear that God's methods are radically different than our own. It's also clear that God can take anything and use it for his own purposes. I don't understand, and I can't pretend that I do. But I do not have to.

And neither do you.

But does this mean you should refuse to ask questions because "God in control?" No.

It does mean that somewhere in this huge mess...there are some certainties. Somewhere.
Those things of which I am certain is the glue that is holding me together ... however tenuously.


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