Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Notes from Church

David Baroni - "rhymes with Bologna [baloney]" visited our church this Sunday. He is a singer/song writer & minister. I was more than pleasantly surprised. Here are a few thoughts.

In the search for the anointing to do whatever you are called to do, don't trust in skills and past experience, but develop a hearing ear for every day.

We are energized by the words our ears hear us speak or sing. Listen to your spirit (where the voice of truth is heard), so your mortal body can be quickened.

We don't initiate our worship. Our worship and our lives are a response to His initiative.

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength...." In this passage, the word renew means exchange. With Whom do we exchange our strength? I bet you can guess!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

once I heard a preacher, southern excited radio preacher, talk about having our "ears pierced" by the word of God and having to "move your tent" of worship if people were "shuving cotton up your ears."

"for it is Christ working in you to will and to act according to His good purposes." Philippians 2...something. yeah. :)

1:24 PM  

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