Saturday, February 11, 2006


We are taught that there are consequences to every choice we make. Good choices = good consequences, bad choices = bad consequences. The fact that it rains on the just & the unjust aside, this idea can be considered an offshoot of sowing and reaping.

Granted, we like to think that the harvest, good or bad, will come from God. This releases anyone from the responsibility and no one has to worry about doing the wrong thing. Not to mention that whole "don't judge and you won't be judged & with the same measure you judge you will be judged" thing. That's some heavy mess, there!

But what about when someone makes a choice that forces another person to take an action that is not one of their choosing? What if the options are blown away and a person has no choice in the matter at all?

Well folks, we're about to find out. Stay tuned.


Blogger Beth said...

We do reap what we sow and God does not give that to us, it comes from our choices. He is there to provide the tools to sow and then to reap what we sow, good or bad. The responsibility IS ours and it all falls into the free will catagory.

8:56 PM  

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