Monday, February 13, 2006

I Found Out

This is a follow-up to the post entitled choice. When someone makes an agreement and doesn't live up to it, there are consequences. That's just the way the world works. There are times when we are forced to make those consequences happen, much as we dislike doing it. Sometimes it breaks our hearts and we hurt more than the one who has to deal with the results of their actions.

Today, this very thing happened. While I expected the fallout to be bad, I had hoped for better. I had more faith and hope in the person than I should have, I guess. That by itself is a huge disappointment, but more painful still is the personal attack - as if it is all my fault.

I am hurt but more importantly I am afraid for this person. I do not think they understand the full scope of their decisions. If the choices continue to be harmful ones, so will the outcome of those choices


Blogger Beth said...

It is heart breaking to watch people that we love make choices that are detrimental to themselves and hurtful to those who have to sit and watch it happen. You know I am living that. Such choices they do not realize or want to realize hurt many of the people who love them and will effect relationships forever. I know forever is a really long time but in my case it is forever. You can not fix it, you can not help when help is not asked for, breath, love and pray. It is what you can do. I will be there for you knowing how you feel.

9:02 PM  

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