Sunday, February 26, 2006

Friday's Lunch

A distress signal was sent from my desk to my son on Friday afternoon. It was in the form of a phone call, first to the house and then to his cellphone. You see, I found out too late that the cafeteria had been told to prepare bag lunches rather than follow the regular menu. The bag lunches consist of pre-made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pre-packaged carrots w/dip, and a banana. Can you say, "ew?" I knew you could! Oh, the staff was offered an alternative: three day old spaghetti. Can you say, "no?" I knew you could!

So the distress call went out. Unfortunately, the call went unanswered. I deflated as my level of hunger increased. Then an amazing thing happened! Thirty minutes after my unanswered calls went out, the phone on my desk rang. It was my son! "Mom? You called?" Now just how icredible is that? I quickly explained my dilemma.

Low and behold, a mere 30 minutes after talking to him, Pat sauntered in the front doors of my workplace with a bag from Zaxby's. He knew I'd never been there and thought Friday was the perfect day for me to have my first taste. When I asked him how much I owed him he replied, "Oh, sixty-three cents ought to about cover it." He did not have change on him so I offered him a dollar bill and told him to keep it.

Just how nice was that? I think my son loves me. *blushes*


Blogger Beth said...

Fo course your son loves you. You are very lovable, we all love you and at the risk of speaking out of turn . . . you daughter does too.

Andy and I love you!

8:50 PM  

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