Saturday, February 25, 2006

Oh, I Did Notice

A few days ago I allowed an anniversary of sorts slip quietly by, seemingly unnoticed. Such was not the case. Actually, I never got around to mentioning it. A few days ago marked the one year anniversary of this particular blog. Some of you know I started blogging on Social Journal, which shut down shortly after I started my online journaling.

I have been musing the reasons behind web logs. Different people have them for different reasons. I tend to agree with
Matthew Lilley in that people should keep a written journal. And I do, of sorts. My online journal is a place for me to put my random thoughts to rest so I can sleep or focus on other more needful things. It is my hope that my thoughts and experiences can help others who may be facing the same issues I am. In short, I like to be helpful anyway I can. This is but one avenue.

I tried keeping a written journal but found I often filled it with bitter and angry contemplations which kept me in that very place - one of anger, unforgiveness, and hurt. Therefore, it was not good for me. The fact that my diary is on a public forum keeps me answerable for the words I speak. This is, in my opinion, a good thing.

My written journal tends to be active on Sunday mornings. In it, I place some of my most raw emotions. I also chronicle the notions that pop into my head during praise and worship or other times during the service. Sometimes, they are merely foggy ideas that need development. Other times, they are clear as crystal and serve as wake-up calls. Occasionally the Sunday morning entries make it onto Blogspot.

I am convinced this journal is a positive thing in my life. It helped Andy gain an understanding of my deepest thoughts which are difficult for me to verbalize. Thus, this blog was a tool that helped save our marriage. Inner turmoil has been quieted through the self-expression Blogspot affords me. I have a steady readership of about 15 faithful people. Others come by from time to time. I figure as long as someone else is reading I must be doing something right. Therefore, I plan to stick around for awhile longer.


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