Friday, February 17, 2006

Does Anyone Else Find This Weird?

So Andy and I are sitting in our counseling session yesterday and the therapist says, "So where would you rate your relationship now, on a scale from 1-10, with 10 being the best?" There was a moment of awkward silence. Then I gazed at Andy and said, "You, first!" (ain't I a stinker?) He quickly replied, "Oh, an 8 or a 9." The therapist turned his attention to me. "I was going to say an 8.5," I admitted. Much to my surprise, our counselor sat back and smiled. "I was thinking the same."

Up to this point I have been under the impression that he was not aware of how much progress Andy and I have made on our own. It is really amazing what honest conversation will do when taken exactly the way it is said without being defensive or looking for the worst.

Anyway, it appears we're all on the same page. Maybe this is one reason why Andy and I are now seeing our counselor just once per month rather than every two weeks. We are considering moving into a "will call" status as soon as a few more wrinkles are ironed out.

*Happy Sigh* It may be strange that three people view a situation in the same way, but in this case it feels pretty darned good.


Blogger The Sewing Machine Doc said...

No, not weird at all. Sounds like you've got a good counselor. Keep working at your relationship, I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.

11:44 PM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

Good for you & Andy, LadyC! I know that you don't really know me, but I enjoy reading your honest insights as you seek to discover truth in your life. I know this progress comes at a high price both as a couple and personally. Many do not realize the value of personal growth and remain at status quo forever. Bravo to you & Andy for searching out the truth and doing the work that goes behind this kind of progress!

11:47 PM  
Blogger Lady Constance said...

Thanks to both of you for your encouragement. I feel compelled to add that it does require two people for success in any relationship, which you both know. One person striving to better their marriage -or whatever- just isn't enough. I know a lot of people who have tried so hard, but they have been working alone. They often fall into self-blame and melancholy when it isn't their fault at all. It takes two to tango...and it takes two to do a lot of other things in life, as well.


7:57 AM  

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