Wednesday, July 13, 2005


We all have them. Pregnancy does not seem to be a prerequisite. I did have my share of cravings while I was carrying Pat & Kiddo, though. With Pat, I wanted sweet mixed with salty. The day I discovered the sheer heaven of grapes eaten in conjuction with Fritos was one for the record books. However, the next combination was even better: Popcorn and Snickers!

Nowadays my cravings are tame in comparison. They usually run along ethnic lines. I wonder, though. How much of what we call 'ethnic' really is ethnic? And do people of particular ehtnicities ever hunger for the cuisine of another culture? Let's dig a little deeper, here.

We refer to Taco Bell as "Mexican", but it isn't really. It runs more along the lines of west-south-western. It is California Mexican. I guess it is basically American.Taco Bell happens to be one of my regular cravings. I don't normally suffer too badly when this one crops up. Taco Bell restaurants are plentiful in this area. It is interesting to note that rarely do I ever see anyone of hispanic origin eating at Taco Bell. Cooking & running the register, yes. Eating, no. Once while submitting to a telephone survey the person asking the questions exhibited a lot of patience as I gushed about how Taco Bell is my favorite fast food restaurant. When she asked why I was so enthusiastic about eating South of the Border, I couldn't really come up with an intelligent response. "Well," I stammered, "Even though Taco Bell has basically the same kind of food, it's all different!" There was a noticeable pause before the tele-surveyor cleared her throat and said, "Let me get this straight..."

Monday night, I had a different craving. It was a very strong one, at that. My mouth was watering at the very thought of....Sesame Chicken
. Off we went to a Chinese buffet. A person has to think perhaps it is authentic Chinese food. After all, the place is owned and staffed completely by Chinese nationals! While revisiting the bar for plate after plate of rice, pepper steak, sesame chicken, vegetable lo mein, and wanton soup, I realized there wasn't one Chinese person eating! I saw an African-American family. I even saw a hispanic one. But no Chinese. And we all know the fortune cookies are mass produced in New York. "Something good needs to be said." That doesn't sound like a fortune. It sounds like a liberal-minded American trying to encourage me to speak in politically correctese. Oh. And I woke up at 3am the following morning. I was starving! I guess what 'they' say about Chinese food is true!

Two for two. The Chinese will work at a Chinese restaurant, but not eat there. The hispanics will do the same when it comes to Taco Bell. Why? Are they tired of their "own" food, or is what they're serving not really Mexican and/or Chinese?

While I've been working on this entry, the scintillating aroma of manicotti has been permeating the atmosphere. That's right! It's pasta night!
"Ah," you may be thinking. "That's Italian!" Really? Perhaps. Just how Italian are we when we saunter into the Olive Garden and order their soft yeasty breadsticks and "Tour of Italy?" I have a friend who lived in Italy. An American in Italy. I'm not certain if Italy spoiled him or if he spoiled Italian food for me. Everytime we do dinner somewhere and want "Italian", he reads the menu with a sneer. "Basil and marinara. Basil and marinara." I can only assume Italian food is more than basil and marinara. My chances of ever visiting Italy - Florence, Rome, Venice - any of it, are slim. Until I actually see it for myself, I will continue to think of lasagna as the perfect Italian fare. By the way, the one thing I have embraced is the fact that pizza is peasant food. No wonder it isn't my fave!

I suppose it doesn't really matter whether or not the food we desire is an authentic representation of the ethnicity ascribed to it. If we enjoy it, if it encourages social gatherings and laughter, who really cares?

Bon Appetite!

Nonstandard standard disclaimer: This entry was posted for entertainment purposes, only. It probably does not reflect the feelings and/or opinions of the owners, operators and/or posters on blogspot. In fact, this entry doesn't reflect anything other than silly thought processes put into print. Well, cyberprint. This whole entry is based solely on conjecture. There is no scientific documented evidence to support the opinions of the author. There were no polls conducted. The author has no ill will toward any ethnic group or even Americans, for that matter. If you were offended, the author sincerely apologizes and humbly asks that you go back and read the entry again with the spirit in which it was intended: Fun.


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